Pak301 GDB

What are the remedial measures Pakistan government have taken so far to manage the crises and challenges emerging out of current epidemic COVID-19?

Globally, corona virus (COVID19) pandemic has become the most significant crisis to challenge the health, economy and the wellbeing of the humans affecting nearly all the countries. The world governments are taking radical mitigation measures to counter the health impact of the virus, which on the other hand has severe economic and financial consequences on the lives of the people around the world. Thus, the COVID-19 has become more than a health crisis for all countries with critical social, economic and political consequences.

Without exception, like all the countries of the world, Pakistan is also hit by the pandemic with an increasing number of confirmed cases
The government of Pakistan has set aside a PKR 1.13 trillion ($6.76 billion) budget to effectively deal with corona crisis. A large part of this funding is being spent in health to fight the COVID-19 crisis.
The national and provincial governments have additionally implemented Corona virus related laws to effectively deal with the situation. The country is in sometimes stricken lockdown and sometimes in the condition of smart lockdown. The government has started to ease down the lockdown as the spread of the virus seems to be under manageable proportions.

Moreover, the civil society, community and patient organizations have also been very active and helping the government in providing the much-needed help in dealing with this crisis. There are a number of ways the patient advocates and NGOs are providing relief to the community, which include initiatives such as telephone help lines, social media campaigns, Whatsapp Support Groups, provision of free medicine to needy patients, distribution of food Ration packs, corona related informational material development and dissemination and telemedicine programs.

Pakistan so far has been able to implement effective medical, social and economical measures due to which the situation on ground seems to be under control. The Pakistani Prime Minister, Imran Khan in his recent statement has said that the government has taken unprecedented

Steps to counter the effects of COVID-19 crisis and so far the country has dealt with the pandemic quite effectively and Pakistan’s situation was not as bad as the United States or Europe.

The government has given awareness on high level through electric and social media to create social distance and has instructed that how to wash hands and face several times a day to prevent the disease.

The challenges facing Pakistan in the current crisis are stark, and it remains to be seen whether the huge interventions that the government has undertaken will be enough to take the country out of this pandemic successfully.

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