Mcm101 Gdb Solution spring 2020 Download

MCM 101:   GDB Solution:
Last Date:    10-08-2020


Media in Pakistan:-

Media in Pakistan provides information on television, radio, cinema, newspapers, and
Magazines in Pakistan. Pakistan has a vibrant media landscape; among the most dynamic in South Asia and world. Majority of media in Pakistan is privately owned.


Manipulation is defined as skillful control by something or someone.

Photo Manipulation.

Photo manipulation involves transforming or altering a photograph using various methods and Techniques to achieve desired results. Some photo manipulations are considered skillful artwork While others are frowned upon as unethical practices, especially when used to deceive the Public.

Is manipulation good or bad?

Manipulation is commonly used aggressively, as a way to harm the manipulator's target, or at least to benefit the manipulator at the target's expense. The harmfulness of manipulation seems especially salient in manipulative relationships, where manipulation may lead to subordination and even abuse.
Photographs may not lie, but they can be manipulated with programs like Photoshop. Videos can be edited to distort the truth. The images on the screen may be a true and accurate representation of what was in front of the lens at the times the footage was taken, but snippets can be spliced together on the cutting-room floor in such a manner as to confuse the viewer as To what really happened. The documentary,
however, is not supposed to be funny; it is being passed off as journalism.
If a photograph has been “Photo shopped” to show a person performing an immoral act that
never actually happened, liability is usually pretty clear, as the image was “false.” If the photo has not been altered, any defamation claim will usually be based on a false caption or
description of the photograph rather than the photograph itself, as an unedited photograph is “truthful” with respect to what the camera sees. In the Choric case, the video footage tells the truth in the sense that it accurately depicts the subjects of the interview (though with shadowy lighting). However, the allegations are that the video images were rearranged in such a manner as to convey an untrue story. The complaint also alleges that the audio was manipulated along with the video, giving the viewer a completely false representation of what transpired at the interview.
Courts have recognized the many ways in which creative video editing can lead to defamation liability:


1.      Rana Sana Ullah drug case
2.      Veena Malik and Muhammad Asif
3. Ayesha Gullalai and Imran Khan
4. Poltery Form defame due to virus roomers
5. Maggie Noodles
6. Many politicians in corruption cases such as (Khuwaja Saad Rafique, Sayed Khurheed Shah, Asif Zardari,  etc)
7. Ayan Ali model case

8. Meesha Shfee and Ali Zafar

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