Assignment - 1 (STA630)


A researcher has planned to study the job satisfaction of doctors who are working in COVID-19 wards of the hospitals in Lahore. While reviewing the literature, he found that during COVID-19 doctors’ job satisfaction is associated with the provision of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), Increase in Salary, Special Allowance, Provision of special medical facilities, reduced working hours. He found various empirical studies supporting these results.
Further, he proposed the following theoretical framework which is also supported by the relevant literature. An increase in Salary will lead to an increase in job satisfaction of doctors who are working in COVID-19 wards of the hospitals in Lahore. Doctors will be more satisfied with their job if their working hours are reduced. So, an increase in salary will lead to an increase in job satisfaction and reduced working hours will strengthen this relationship.
Data will be collected once only from those doctors who are doing their duties in COVID-19 wards of the hospitals in Lahore city. Researcher selected only 10 big hospitals of Lahore. A sample size of 200 doctors has been decided to collect the data. A structured questionnaire having 5point Likert scale will be used to collect the data from the doctors about their job satisfaction. The findings of the study will be presented to the Govt, authorities for policy recommendations.


1. Develop a schematic diagram after reading above mentioned theoretical framework after clearly delineating dependent, independent, moderating/intervening variables whichever is applicable in this scenario.
2. Develop at-least one hypothesis from the above case.
3. Identify the following elements of the research design from the scenario.
• Type of Research (Basic or Applied) – Justify your answer.
• Target Population
• Data Collection Tool
• Time Horizon (Cross-sectional or Longitudinal) – Justify your answer.


Q. 1 Develop a schematic diagram after reading above mentioned theoretical framework after clearly delineating dependent, independent, moderating/intervening variables whichever is applicable in this scenario.

Research Framework


 Q. 2 develop at-least one hypothesis from the above case.

H1: increase in salary have a positive relationship with doctors job satisfaction.
H2: if the working hours reduce the increase job satisfaction.
H3: increase in salary and reduce in working hours leads to increase the job satisfaction.

Q.3 Identify the following elements of the research design from the scenario.• Type of Research (Basic or Applied) – Justify your answer.• Target Population• Data Collection Tool• Time Horizon (Cross-sectional or Longitudinal) – Justify your answer. 

·        Research Types

Applied research type use in this scenario. Because applied research are mostly use in business study or other like medicine etc which researcher find the response of a group or people about a problem or behavior. So the job satisfaction is behavior of people and research use the applied research.

·        Target Population

Target population are those doctors doing their duties in COVID-19 wards of the hospitals in Lahore city.

·         Data Collection Tool

A structured questionnaire having 5point Likert scale will be used to collect the data from the doctors about their job satisfaction.5 point likert scale is 1 to 5
1 for strongly dissatisfy and 5 is strongly satisfy

·        Time Horizon (Cross-sectional or Longitudinal)

This is a cross sectional data because the data collect at once in specific time period but longitudinal data are collect the same respondent over the time

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