MCM101 Assignment 1 Solution 2020

Q.1 Being a media person, do you think media in Pakistan has always been controlled by the government or it has more freedom compared to western media?  Discuss by giving three examples.


Mass media in Pakistan television, radio, cinema, newspapers, and magazines are media in Pakistan. Pakistan has a vibrant media landscape; among the most dynamic in South Asia and world. Majority of media in Pakistan is privately owned. Pakistan has around 300 privately owned daily newspapers. Television is the main source of news and information for people in Pakistan's towns, cities and large areas of the countryside.

Role of Government

Pakistani media faces different issues. Sometimes it is totally restricted by the government. Sometimes for the sake of government issues it is banned.
To a large extent the media enjoys freedom of expression in spite of political pressure and direct bans sometimes administered by political stake holders. Political pressure on media is mostly done indirectly. One tool widely used by the government is to cut off ‘unfriendly’ media from governmental advertising. Using draconian laws the government has also banned or officially silenced popular television channels. The Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) has been used to silence the broadcast media by either suspending licenses or by simply threatening to do so. In addition, media is also threatened by non-state actors involved in the current conflict. Security situation of the journalist has improved and the number of journalist killed in Pakistan has also declined considerably. However, the press freedom in Pakistan continues to decline.
In its 2018 Press Freedom Index, Reporters without borders ranked Pakistan number 139 out of 180 countries based on freedom of the press. Recent report from Reporters without borders implies considerable improvement in the freedom of press compared to the preceding years.

Pakistan media Vs western media

Pakistan media has less freedom as compared to western media

1.    In Pakistan if news channels have the news of any highlighted personality or any political workers they getting start to threatened. Sometimes they have paid to stop news. But in western they can break any news with evidence.

2.    Many news reporters have lost their life’s due to breakage of important secrets news. But in western media to kill anyone is too much difficult. There intelligence teams are very efficient

3.    Lots of news anchors have threatened and beard swear attacks due to  criticism of different politicians and dominating personalities.
But western media have freedom to say anything about anyone if they have proper evidence out that person.

4.    Pakistani media facing lots of restrictions as compared to western media
I think Pakistani media facing too much restrictions and challenges as compared to western media.

5.    There should be freedom to say about wrong things. But limitations are also necessary. There should be some rules and regulations for media. After this government should not involve to pretend anyone.

Q. 2 How do you see the role of non-verbal messages (signs, symbols) in spreading awareness about corona virus?


Non-verbal communication includes facial expressions, the tone and pitch of the voice, gestures displayed through body language (kinesics) and the physical distance between the communicators.

These non-verbal signal can give clues and additional information and meaning over and above spoken (verbal) communication. Indeed, some estimates suggest that around 70 to 80% of communication is non-verbal!

The corona virus pandemic has deprived us of the closeness we are biologically programmed to seek when we are vulnerable, lonely or fearful  exactly when we need it the most. Face masks, video chats and personal protective equipment make it harder to see facial expressions and body movements, while social distancing forces us to be unnaturally apart and the invisible presence of a virus has infused touch with a sense of danger.

Health workers rely on positive non-verbal communication to show care for their patients: close physical proximity, touch, head nodding, smiling, open body language and a focused eye gaze. It’s such an important part of the work they do, 

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