Psy101 solution file for midterm

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A paradigm in psychology is a distinct way of describing, observing, understanding,
and predicting any given psychological phenomena. The professionals, as well as
students, in order to conceptualize and organize the available information, need a
model or paradigm. Also, it is required because it is used to test hypotheses and for
conducting research work in order to testify the validity of assumptions.
Includes assumptions about what drives human behavior, how disorders develop, and
treatment prescriptions
Biological /Medical Perspective
Based on the assumption of Materialism i.e., all behavior has a physiological basis
An understanding of biochemical processes will give an understanding of psychological and social phenomena
Physical structures and hereditary processes determine behavior or behavior potential
Physical/physiological interventions can alter mental processes and behavior
Root cause of abnormalities and disorders lies in biology and requires medical intervention

Historical Background
The historical roots of biological model are very old, dating back to at least the time of Hippocrates. There are a number of great names that contributed to this approach, of which the more important ones will be discussed.

Hippocrates (460-377 B.C)
Greek physician/philosopher
Regarded as the “Father of Medicine”
Talked about basis for medical problems
Believed that rational knowledge could serve a path for understanding psychological problems.

Galen (129-199 A.D)
Born to Greek parents in Asia Minor
Great physician with an empirical approach who rejected the old doctrine and relied on his observation and research.
Correctly identified various parts of the nervous system and had an accurate grasp of how nervous system functions.
Known for anatomical studies on animals and observations of human body functions

Julien Offroy De La Mettrie (1709-1751 Ad)
French priest turned physician
Noticed that his fever and the resulting physical condition affected his mental state as well as  his physical state
Body is like a machine and the soul is no different from mind
Mind was a part of the body

French physician
Consciousness was a function of brain and was proved by the fact that guillotine victims were  not conscious after beheading

Philippe Pinel (1745-1826 Ad)
French physician
Believed that abnormal behavior is caused by some hereditary defects or nervous
system defects.


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